Monday, August 22, 2011


Loving watercolors! ...Playing and experimenting  I'm finding out new things everyday.
The more you experiment the more you learn on your own.Even mistakes are a good thing!
Give yourself some time to really enjoy a new medium,figure out what you like what colors speak to you and heck even try some that you really don't care for at first they may surprise you!
This has been a good summer experiment so to make these papers into a book :)
I do have a facebook friend who loves watercolors as much as I do she is preparing for a workshop with them and you should jump on over to her blog and have a look. I have noticed her and i are very like minded and I'm starting to think shes my watercolor sister lol! Her name is Diana Trout and shes awesome!
Here are a few pics of just some of my little experiments

stacks of papers

not always pretty

Temple Wave (Japan)

1 comment:

Diana Trout {} said...

Geez, your work is juicy gorgeous, Heather. I'm really enjoying it. Off to read back!